Costumer service

How can we help?
Common questions

Har du som privatperson frågor gällande din faktura eller betalning som gjorts via klarna, vänligen kontakta Klarnas kundtjänst på telefonnummer 08-120 120 10 eller via deras chatt.

Har du som företagare frågor gällande din faktura eller betalning som gjorts via Ledyer, vänligen kontakta Ledyers kundtjänst på eller via deras hjälpsida.


We deliver all our products from Sweden and we use UPS for deliveries. We aim to have your order reach you within 7-9 business days after your order has been shipped. Please kindly wait 11 business days before contacting us if your delivery has not arrived, to allow sufficient time for it to reach you.

It has been 11 business days but my package has not reached me.

Returns – Open Purchase

To return a product under the open purchase policy within 14 days, please contact us here. Include your order number and specify the reason for the return in your message. We will then provide you with all the information and the next steps to process your return smoothly.

To file a complaint about a product, please fill out this form. Attach the following information so that we can process your complaint efficiently:

For questions about our products, please do not hesitate to call us. Our team is here to provide you with all the information you need and answer any questions you have. If you prefer to email, you can do so by clicking here.

Still need help?
Contact us
